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Temporary Event and Security Fencing Rentals

Right There Fence Rental Service offers versatile fencing options that provide security and crowd control at public and private events throughout Northwest OH, Northeast IN, and Southeast MI. Organization and safety are critical to the success of any large gathering of people. Working with our crew ensures you’re prepared, even when the attendance exceeds your expectations. Have some last-minute needs? We’re available 24-7 with palletized chain link fencing to help you in those times with same-day service. Contact us for a quote!

Find the Right Fencing for Your Event

Whether you need to control parking areas or organize attendees, getting set with the proper fencing is key. We can help you include the best options for visibility, privacy, navigation, and more. We have decades of experience delivering and setting up temporary fences for:

Political Rallies
Security Checkpoints
Parking Lots
event fencing

Crowd Control Barriers

When you expect large crowds, setting boundaries is essential for the safety of attendees, performers, vendors, and other participants. From organized entry into venue spaces to containing masses to specific areas and traffic flow, we have temporary fencing and barrier options that are sturdy and in excellent condition to provide the exact assistance you need. Our experience means we can help you determine the proper amount of fencing or the specific type for your event. The best part? You won’t have to think about the delivery, setup, or breakdown of the fencing. We handle it all.

Safe and Simple Security and Event Fencing Options

Why choose us for your next event? Our temporary fencing rentals don’t require any digging, posting, or other invasive or laborious prepping that other fencing requires. We handle all the steps for implementing and removing the fences and barriers so you can focus on essential event details. Contact us today for a quote.

Get a Quote Today